Why does my drawing show an object instead of a title at the top?

The title function in a template can either show the title of the file name or it can show a text box from your drawing. There is an option in settings to determine which value to display.

When a template is created there is an option to add a Title to your drawing.

Each Title will correspond to each drawing when set properly.

Within settings there is an option to select Use Filename as Title. This will enable PQD to view the filename of the drawing and it will place the selected drawing into the template.

In the example below, the option has been checked and now the filename that appears from the library on the right side of the screen appears in the Title area.


In the example below, the option is unchecked so the northern most textbox that is more than 3 characters will appear in the Title area.


The reason the text box will pull in a value more than 3 characters is because a 3 letter word could be attached as a player such as "SAF" and we don't want to pull that into the title. 

Coaches who use a formation that is 3 characters could potentially get confused as to why they believe it is not functioning properly, ACE, DUO, DOS

If this is the case you want to use the filename option and drop that into the Title to solve this issue.

A great use case for this function is to add code words or shorter terminology in the drawing to help players learn more quickly,

Snake B = Nickel Field Snake B 3 Field

Clemson = Nickel Short Shade Clemson Combo