Installing & Setting Up Catapult with PQD

For the PQD & Catapult integration to operate, follow these instructions.


Please Note: The Catapult Extension for Pro Quick Draw is a additional charge.

1. Ensure you have upgraded your package with PQD

Not sure if you have Catapult on your Pro Quick Draw account?

  • Visit your Account Portal and login with your PQD credentials
  • Go to 'My Account'
  • Under Licensing Package, you will see 'Catapult' under the Extensions.
  • Don't see Catapult Extension? Contact us to upgrade your package. 

2. Download the Pro Quick Draw Video Tools File

  • Visit your Account Portal and login with your PQD credentials
  • Click 'Downloads'
  • Select 'Download PQD Video Tools'

Download PQD Video Tools

3. Open Catapult Thunder

  • Find SSO Admin
  • Select a User

4. Enable User Permissions in Thunder

  • Enable - TC Client: Tablet
  • Enable - TC Client: Web Access
  • Enable - Pro Quick Draw: API Access

If you want a coach to view plays on Thunder Universal Player, enable their coach account to have:

  • Thunder API
  • Third Party API

Thunder SSO          


5. Open Visio or PowerPoint 

  • Ensure Pro Quick Draw has been installed
  • Open a Blank Presentation or Drawing
  • Select the PQD Toggle Panel, then the 'Video Library' with the Catapult Logo
  • When prompted, login using the Thundercloud username & password and check 'remember me'
  • This will give the user access to the folders within Catapult Thunder

Catapult login