Add plays to your library using PowerPoint (fastest method)

Use shortcut keys to speed up the building process

How to Use Shortcuts to Speed Up Building Library

If you are looking for a faster way to input plays into your library in PowerPoint, use the 'Save As' shortcut 'fn + F12'. This takes out the process of going back our of each drawing file and selecting 'Save As' every time to input a new drawing into your Master Library.

1. To start you will either pull up the base drawing you want to build off of through your file explorer or through PowerPoint by finding it in your 'Master Library' and pressing 'Save As'.

2. Once your in the file you will adjust it into the next drawing you're trying to create and use the shortcut "fn + F12' to pull up your file explorer within PPT. Then you'll retitle it into what you made and save it where you want to in your folder structure.

3. Repeat this process while still in this file using the shortcut 'Save As'.